Sibelle T Vilaça

Population genetics,
wildlife conservation, evolutionary genetics
My research
My research focus is on population evolution as a mean to inform wildlife conservation through the use of modern statistical and genomics methods. I apply evolutionary and population genetics methods to endangered wildlife species to better inform conservation and management strategies. I am also interested in the evolutionary dynamics of emerging pathogens (viruses and bacteria), and the association of ocean pollution and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
My research aim is to use cutting-edge genetics and evolutionary methods in taxon-focused conservation.
I am currently a Researcher at Vale Institute of Technology (ITV), in Belém PA, Brazil. I am also a member of the consortium Genomics of the Brazilian Biodiversity (GBB) and of the Coalition for Conservation Genetics. Please get in touch for job opportunities or collaborative work.

06.2022 I accepted an invitation to become an Associate Editor in Conservation Genomics for Frontiers in Conservation Science (
03.2022 The first results of the population-level data from TurtleHyb will be presented in the 40th International Sea Turtle Symposium. The talk will be available through the conference's website during the month of April.
09.2021 The results of our project on Eastern wolves and North American canids were presented at the Biodiversity Genomics 2021 online conference. The talk entitled "Tracing the origin of Eastern wolves in North America from whole-genome data" will be available through the conference's website during the month of October.
06.2021 The first results of the TurtleHyb project were presented at the Virtual Evolution 2021 conference.
03.2021 The Horizon Magazine published a news article and an accompanying video about the TurtleHyb project.
11.2020 I gave a talk about genomics of sea turtle hybridization in the 1st Italian Conference on Marine Evolution.
08.2020 I accepted an invitation to become an Editor for Endangered Species Research (!
06.2020 I was part of an EURAXESS webinar on how to write a good funding proposal as part of their seminar series "Career Development for Researchers". More details in the EURAXESS Brazil website:
A recording is also available at
06.2020 Our sea turtle hybridization research was featured in the University of Ferrara's website (in Italian):
05.2020 Our paper on immature sea turtle hybrids in Brazil and Uruguay is out!
02.2020 We need to stay in our shells for now but turtle research doesn't stop! Stay safe everyone!
01.2020 I gave an invited talk at University of Barcelona on sea turtle hybridization as part of the Conservation Genetics seminars.
12.2019 December is turtle time! I visited the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research in the University of Florida.
11.2019 I started a new position in Ferrara, Italy, as a Marie Curie fellow. It's great to be back!
10.2019 Our proposal for a sea turtle genomics workshop was accepted for the next International Sea Turtle Symposium in Cartagena, Colombia!

© 2019 by Sibelle Torres Vilaça PhD. Created with